How To Stop The Plague In Civilization 7

After you deal with the plague, it’s time to restore hope. After all, most of your citizens were either sick or burying their compatriots, so everyone could use a feel-good bump. You can restore happiness in a plague-riddled settlement by constructing a handful of happiness-boosting buildings, like:
That said, be wary of any building that requires happiness as a resource to construct, like the Bath or Barracks, as they’ll put you in a deep hole after a plague spreads.
Lastly, there are a number of resources found throughout the world that boost happiness, including:
- Horses
- Dates
- Dyes
- Ivory
- Wool
- Furs
- Pearls
- Wine
Definitely get your hands on Wine and Pearls, as they both provide significant happiness buffs during most of the game’s ages.
You can play Civilization VII now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.
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