The Best Perk Choices For Tank Heroes

D.Va smirks at the camera with her MEKA during a highlight intro.

Screenshot: Blizzard / Kotaku

Overwatch 2 introduced some big changes last in February, 2025. The all new Perk system is perhaps the most significant. It offers each hero two pairs of unique buffs to choose between. Some provide incremental buffs while others cover specific hero weaknesses or even adjust how you want to play them. Although they’re all viable depending on the situation, these are the perks to lean toward if you want to be the best Tank for your team.


  • Ejection Suit is the ideal perk choice for D.Va as it gives her 75 temporary overhealth for ten seconds in Pilot form. This helps cover her during her most vulnerable state.
  • The Shield System major perk further enhances her survivability. It converts 150 of her health to shields and buffs Defense Matrix to restore 25%.


  • One-Two buffs Rocket Punch to automatically reload Doomfist’s Hand Cannon when it hits an enemy, allowing for more damage.
  • Seismic Empowerment makes it so that hitting a minimum of three enemies with Seismic Slam will enhance his Rocket Punch.


  • Reconstitution allows Jagged Wall to charge up Spike Guard when the former hits. It’s worth picking simply for being less situational than his other minor perk.
  • Anarchic Zeal adds a 25% lifesteal buff to Hazard’s Spike Guard attack.

Junker Queen

  • Commanding Shout is a powerful supportive ability that can turn the tide in a fight. The Battle Shout perk makes it more effective by reloading your gun and increasing the reload speed of allies by 50%.
  • Savage Satiation is a must-pick to help Junker Queen’s sustainability, as it adds a 100% lifesteal buff to the initial impact of her Carnage ability.


  • Two Hearts provides a one-of-a-kind change that counts Mauga as two heroes on an objective and regenerates 20 health per second.
  • With the Combat Fuel perk, critical hits will provide Mauga with two (up to 100) temporary overhealth the next time he uses Cardiac Overdrive.


  • Heat Dissipator helps Orisa’s overheating primary fire by refunding heat when you land critical hits.
  • Protective Barrier brings back the defensive ability of the same name from the original Overwatch. It replaces her Javelin Spin ability, but your team will appreciate the barrier.


  • Void Surge buffs Void Accelerator to release six additional projectiles for every 20 you fire. That little extra damage adds up and is very much worth choosing the perk for.
  • Nanite Repair adds a helpful healing effect to Ravenous Vortex, providing 50 health for every second he’s within the ability’s range.


  • Fiery Uptake will turn 100% of the damage dealt by a Fire Strike into healing for his Barrier Field, letting you keep it active a lot longer.
  • Shield Slam adds a new attack that can be used while Barrier Field is up, dealing 50 damage and knocking back enemies.


  • Scrap Hook reloads two ammo when your Chain Hook hits an enemy. No more awkward moments of hooking someone and not having the ammo to eliminate them.
  • Hogdrogen Exposure buffs his Take A Breather ability into healing nearby allies for 50%. That means a maximum of 200 health, which is a fantastic tool to use on the frontline.


  • With Kinetic Cycle, the projectiles you absorb with Kinetic Grasp will now reduce the cooldown for Accretion as well.
  • Levitation gives Sigma new mobility options, allowing him to levitate upwards by pressing and holding the jump button twice.


  • You should be using Winston’s Jump Pack during his Primal Rage ultimate, and the Heavy Landing perk can increase the damage and area up to 75%.
  • Revitalizing Barrier gives his Barrier Projector a major buff by adding a 30 health per second healing effect to it for allies.

Wrecking Ball

  • Wrecking Ball mains know what it’s like to roll around the map for health packs. Pack Rat cuts down on the time you spend doing this by receiving 100 more health from each pack you come across.
  • Transfer Efficiency makes the second usage of Adaptive Shield far more worth it by increasing the health provided to allies by 33% and reducing the ability cooldown by 1.5 seconds for every ally affected.


  • Zarya’s Ultimate becomes a lot deadlier with the Graviton Crush perk, dealing up to 30% of an enemy’s maximum health as damage over time.
  • Spotter buffs her Projected Barrier ability to instantly activate an ally’s health regeneration while increasing their movement speed by 15%. It’s a great way to further help your DPS survive a firefight or a support escape from danger.

I recommend becoming familiar with every perk for your Overwatch 2 mains, but the above will serve you well. Spend a bit of time in quick play while earning some loot boxes, and then you’ll be ready to test these out during a competitive match.


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